Civil Court Candidates Forum
The six downtown political clubs (VID, DID, CoDA, VRDC, Grand Street Democrats, and Three Bridges) will be sponsoring a civil court candidates forum of Monday, February 5th from 6:00-9:00 PM. This will be a virtual only forum. You can register here. After you register you will receive a link for the forum.
The details of the forum are as follows:
- We will be hosting candidates for Judicial Districts 1 and 2 and Countywide.
- The judicial screening panel is expected to report out 3 candidates for each open seat. So, we anticipate hosting 12 candidates in total. All the candidates who are reported out will be invited to speak.
- Each candidate will have three minutes to present and seven minutes for Q & A.
- The first two questions will be asked by the moderator and will be standard for all candidates. The remainder of the questions will come from the forum attendees.
- A maximum of thirty seconds will be allocated for asking questions and one minute for answering questions. We will be using a Zoom imbedded timer to make sure that the forum moves ahead smoothly.
- Discussion of the candidates and the endorsement vote by ViD members will take place on February 8th at the VID General Membership Meeting.
Allison R. Greenfield Resume
Malaika N. Scott-McLaughlin Resume
Elizabeth Y. Shamahs Resume
Alice Tam Tien Resume & Letter
Crystal R. Villasenor Resume
Ralph L. Wolf
Congratulations to all the candidates! We look forward to seeing you at the forum (February 5th) and at the VID Endorsement Meeting (February 8th).
Jonathan Geballe.
Tony Hoffmann
Daniel Palmisano
VID Campaign Co-chairs