Table With VID! Volunteers Needed!
Every Saturday from 10am to noon, VID will be tabling at Abingdon Square (Bleecker St./Hudson St.) starting Saturday, September 14, through November 2nd. We will:
- Sign people up for Vote Blue buses going to swing districts in NY, NJ and PA.
- Register people to vote
- Hand out VID literature on our endorsed candidates
- Hand out Prop 1/NY ERA literature
- Sell buttons and baked goods to support Vote Blue Bus rentals
Donations of baked goods appreciated!
If you’re interested, please contact either of the campaign co-chairs, Dan Palmisano or Tony Hoffman.
Prop 1 - Help NY Pass the Equal Rights Amendment!
VID has endorsed this proposal and we need your help to get the word out that it will be on the ballot. Many New Yorkers are not aware that they need to flip their ballots and vote YES on Prop 1. Training available for all volunteering.
Crowd Canvassing:
- Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10 – 11:30 a.m., Union Square Farmers Market. Help hand out cards and pins and ask NY voters to flip their ballots in November and vote YES on Prop 1. Sign up here. Hosted by Markers for Democracy, Downtown Nasty Women, Team Min
- Every other Tuesday from 6 pm-8 pm (next session is Oct. 15th): Join DNWSG, Markers For Democracy, and Team Min. Sign up here.
Pledge to vote YES on Prop 1 HERE