Candidate FAQ

VID endorses candidates running in the 66th Assembly District and ballot proposals in all national, state, and local elections. In accordance with our Constitution, a candidate or ballot proposal must receive a majority vote in order to receive a VID endorsement. Candidates participate in a General Meeting forum and have an opportunity to speak to the membership for a brief time and participate in a Q & A session. Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) applies to all VID endorsements.  

Club Endorsement Procedure for Candidates. Interested in VID’s endorsement? Please follow the steps below:

  • Contact us. Email Tony Hoffmann with some general information about what office you’re running for/district and a little bit about yourself. 
  • Fill out a questionnaire. Questionnaires will be available beginning 12/20/24. This will let us know a little more about your campaign, where you stand on the issues important to us, and what you’d like to accomplish as an elected official. Completed questionnaires will be distributed to membership and made public on our website, so put your best foot forward. Please contact us to receive a questionnaire: Tony Hoffmann.
  • Attend a meeting. We encourage candidates to get to know us by coming to a meeting. Speaking time is reserved for scheduled endorsement meetings.
  • Candidates are strongly encouraged to participate in forums in person if possible. 


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Candidate Forum Schedule

VID Membership Endorsement Meeting Schedule

VID Endorsed Candidate List