The map below shows the map for the 66th Assembly District. VID is the democratic club for Part A of the 66th Assembly District, however we support candidates and issues in the city, state and country. Your representation in the Democratic Party happens at the Assembly District (AD) level.
Manhattan County is organized into approximately 12 Assembly Districts (ADs). Every Assembly District has between one and four parts, labeled A through D. You are represented in your Assembly District (AD) by an elected New York State Assemblymember. You can find your Assembly District here and your Assemblymember is here.
Assemblymember Deborah Glick represents the VID area.
Other elected officials who represent the VID area:
- Congressman Dan Goldman (NY-10)
- State Senator Brian Kavanagh (27th State Senate District)
- State Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal (47th State Senate District)
- City Councilmember Erik Bottcher (3rd City Council District)
- State Committee Members Rachel Lavine & Ben Yee
- District Leaders Jen Hoppe & Arthur Schwartz
Additionally, every AD is composed of Election Districts (ED). These are generally about one to three blocks large. There are 74 EDs in the 66th Assembly District. Click here for a map of EDs.
Each AD Part has two elected District Leaders who represent you to the (Manhattan) County Party Executive Board. The Executive Board manages the day-to-day operations of the Manhattan Democratic Party. The County Party Leader (“Party Boss”) is the head of the Manhattan (county) party.
Each District Leader has a Democratic Club which works with them to run people for County Committee and organize all the voters in an AD Part.