VID Endorsement Meetings

For Members Only

VID members endorse candidates running in the 66th Assembly District and ballot proposals in all national, state, and local elections. In accordance with our Constitution, a candidate or ballot proposal must receive a majority vote in order to receive a VID endorsement. Members assume voting privileges after 90 days of membership in good standing. Candidates participate in a General Meeting forum and have an opportunity to speak to the membership for a brief time and participate in a Q & A session. Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) applies to all VID endorsements and elections except for the Executive Committee as per the constitution.  For voting and election information in NYC click here.

Check here for the list of candidate forums and here for a list of VID endorsed candidates (including candidate questionnaire responses and recordings of forums).

 2025 Membership Endorsement Meetings:

  • January 29th - NYC Council District 1 & 2 endorsement meeting will take place after the candidate forum meeting on 1/29.
  • February 13 -Endorsement meeting for NYC Comptroller, Public Advocate and Mayor 

VID Voting eligibility: You must be a member of the club for 90 days and dues up to date. Although individuals can join multiple clubs, members are only permitted to vote in one, local Democratic club.

Questions? Please contact [email protected]

Please check the calendar for any updates.