Please note: The meeting will start at the usual time of 6:30pm (not 6pm as previously announced).
Lenox Hill Greenwich Village
200 W. 13th St, (7th Ave.), 6th floor conference room
Alternatively, you can register for the zoom link here.
- Congressman Dan Goldman will stop by at 6:45pm and give us an update.
- VID will be electing the following officers:
- President (or co-presidents)
- 3 Vice-Presidents
- Judicial Delegates
Nominations can be submitted to the VID president at any time, and are also taken from the floor. Nominees will have an opportunity to speak and respond to questions. Voting privileges are granted to persons who have been VID members for at least 90 days.
Per the VID Constitution, additional positions, including the VID Executive Committee, will be elected at the January 2025 Membership meeting. If you're interested in joining the executive committee or running for a position, please contact Jonathan Geballe for more information.
A complete agenda will be provided prior to the meeting.
Jonathan Geballe
VID Presiden