Two Weeks Left! Let’s get our candidates on the ballot! Please join us for the next two weekends to petition at Abingdon Square (Saturdays) and West Side Market (Sundays). Please RSVP at the links below. In case of rain you will receive an email informing you of alternative plans.
Saturdays March, 23 & 30
Abingdon Sq. (Bethune & Hudson Streets)
10:00 AM-12:00 Noon
Please RSVP to Tony Hoffmann or Dan Palmisano if you will be joining us at Abingdon Sq. this Saturday, March 16.
Sundays, March 24 & 31
West Side Market (84 Third Ave (Between 11th & 12th Streets)
11:00 AM-1:00 PM
Please RSVP to Dan Palmisano or David Siffert if you will be joining them on the East Side this Sunday, March 10th.
We have new petitions with the correct Rep. Dan Goldman information. If you need the new petitions you can pick them up on Saturday at Abingdon Sq. and Sunday at West Side Market.
Can't join us on the weekends, but want to help petition on your own time? Grab some friends and canvas your building or petition in front of a supermarket! If you need to pick up petitions, you can do so on Saturday at Abingdon Sq. and Sunday at West Side Market. Additionally, the following people have petitions for distribution. Please contact them.
VID needs a good showing and our candidates need signatures in order to qualify for the ballot. Please join us!