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Please join us at VID’s Membership Meeting Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. In-person location below. For those who cannot attend in person, you may attend by Zoom. Click HERE for the link to register; you will receive an email with information about joining the meeting virtually.
At 7:00 p.m., Congressman Dan Goldman (NY-10) will be our featured speaker.
At 8:00 p.m., VID will elect its President and 3 Vice-Presidents for 2024. (The election for the other officers, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, 2 Corresponding Secretaries and 15 Executive Committee members will be on January 11.)
Nominations: Any member may run for office. Statements of candidacy submitted here will be emailed by VID to all members by 2 pm on December 12, 2023. Nominations will be made from the floor at the election meeting.
Voting: Any person who has been a VID member at least 90 days may vote. Any member who is not fully paid up for annual dues if not overdue by more than 30 days is eligible but must pay up at the meeting to be eligible to vote. VOTING IS DIGITAL SO PLEASE BRING A CELL or TABLET TO THE MEETING! There is NO advance voting – you must be present to vote (in person or by Zoom.)
Please consider running for one of these positions! You can refer to the VID Constitution for more information and a description of the duties of the offices here. If you have any questions regarding your membership status, please contact VID treasurer, Irene Kaufman, here.
Lenox Health Greenwich Village, 30 7th Ave. between 12th St and 13th St., 6th floor Community Room (also known as Northwell Health). Entrance is on 13th Street. This is an accessible building. Masks are not required.
A complete agenda will be available prior to the meeting.